Sunday school is important in the spiritual development of Christians because it provides a forum for learning. This forum is comprised of students and teachers. Sunday School encourages spiritual interaction between the students and the teachers, as well as providing a comprehensive way of learning as a group. Ephesians 4:11, includes teachers within the five-fold ministry of the church. “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers”. Sunday School is a vital part of the anointing of this office and God’s plan for the church. While the priest is called to preach the Word unto Salvation, the teacher is called to bring further understanding of God’s Word.
St.Thomas Jacobite Syrian Sunday School was started with 6 students and 2 teachers in 2008 which has been flourished to a total of 125 students and 21 teachers. We offer classes from prep to Grade 12.
Mrs.Saly Johnson
Mrs Liji Jijo
Mr.Alias Moolan
Mrs.Chinku Jobin
Mrs.Deepa Sunil
Mr.Geoha Abraham George
Mrs.Jasmin Joy
Mr.Jerry Johnson
Mrs.Jini Eldho
Mr.Moncy Chacko
Mrs. Sneha Thomas
Mr.Rubin Mathew
Mr.Shibu Thelakkattu Eldo
Mrs.Susan Joseph
Mr.Tinu Pathrose
Dn. Siby Varghese
Dn.Eldho John
Mr.Vivian Cherian